How the business of bionics is changing lives

Via CNBC and Drudge:

…doctors and scientists at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) are developing cutting edge prosthetics to improve the lives of amputees. Today, advances in technology are enabling amputees to ride bikes, grip bottles and even run.

The market is lucrative: Össur, one of the world's leading prosthetics makers, estimates that in 2012, the size of the prosthetic market in the U.S., EMEA and Asia regions was between $850-$950 million.

Click the link to see more: How the business of bionics is changing lives
  • “…people with upper arm amputations are able control their prosthetic devices by merely thinking about the action they want to perform.”
  • “Developing cutting edge prosthetics requires time, and funding.”
  • “It benefits those who have lost their limbs as a result of domestic and work accidents, and has the potential to improve the lives of service men and women returning from conflict zones.”