Here's What a Shooting War in the East China Sea Might Look Like

Via Instapundit and Popular Mechanics:
The war of words and maritime move–countermove has been under way for years, but this latest escalation could be the fuse to ignite a war that can't easily be stopped. Here's how a hypothetical scenario might unfold.
Click the link to see more: Here's What a Shooting War in the East China Sea Might Look Like - Popular Mechanics
  • “Drones are great tools of escalation. National leaders will fly them in areas where it might be too dangerous for a pilot. Other national leaders are not as hesitant to attack them. After all, it's only a robot.”
  • “The United States is bound by treaty to protect Japan if it is attacked, but pundits debate whether the events in the East China Sea meet that standard.”
  • “…missiles, not airplanes, will determine who dominates the airspace over the disputed islands.”

Ponder: Understanding capabilities of military technology can provide insights into what military operations would be like.