Who are Pharaoh’s Magicians?

When Moses confronted Pharaoh with miracles, Pharaoh’s magicians imitated those miracles. Today’s scientists, engineers, managers, and thinkers are like Pharaoh’s magicians, making the lame walk, helping us control our environs, and giving us a host of other capabilities that qualify as man-made miracles.

Will there be a limit? Pharaoh’s magicians ran out of miracles in trying to keep up with God and Moses. Will we eventually run out of miracles? Until then, what are these man-made miracles doing for us and to us? This blog curates and shares ideas and information about the man-made miracles wrought by modern Pharaoh’s magicians.


  • What are the latest developments in science and technology?
  • Who are the people and organizations driving developments in science and technology?
  • What are the impacts on society?
  • How do leaders and organizations make the most of developments in science and technology?
  • How do we write about it? Emphasis on sharing about:
    • Military topics. The military provides the clearest view of the balance between technology and the human dimension.
    • Academic writing. Academic writing is still the primary channel for communicating the latest research.
  • How should we then live?