Via Forbes. For those interested in coming military technology. If you’re writing on military topics and want to address technology, make sure you stay on top of these kinds of developments.
The DDG-1000 design includes plug-and-play advanced power electronics, multi-megawatt motor drives and cutting-edge automation and control capabilities that supplies electricity generated by disparate sources of energy (e.g., wind, solar, natural gas) to propulsion systems and electric weapons and sensors through a common distribution infrastructure.
Platts called this “the ultimate naval power T&D system.” The Navy calls it the Next Generation Integrated Power Supply (NGIPS). Most people call it the “microgrid.”
NGIPS is an enterprise approach for integrating power generation, propulsion and power distribution and management.
Like the conventional electric grid, NGIPS provides electricity produced from multiple sources of energy (e.g., wind, solar, natural gas) for the full range of a ship’s electric loads and end-use devices.
Microgrids: Ten Clean Technologies Needed to Win the Next Naval War - Forbes