The example in the article is a way to look at your mindset and perspective. The writers uses it as the basis for a 3-step approach to adopting technology.
- Step 1: Assess Your Mindset
- Step 2: Find a framework that combines human and machine intelligence
- Step 3: Train people to activate data for decisions
The writer's conclusion: "...quadrants reduce complexity and provide a framework for making decisions based on the information we have and our values. And they help us explain — both to ourselves and to others — why we made the decisions we made both now and in 10 years from now."
I came across a form of quadrant when I learned about the Boston Consulting Group's 2x2 matrix used to classify kinds of investments. Later, I saw this used for classifying suppliers. It was called the Kraljic Matrix. I found it very handy for adding some nuance to classifications without getting too complicated.