Nordic walking meetup in Tuscaloosa County on 8/12

Join us on Saturday to find out what Nordic walking is all about! No charge; poles provided. Look for the white Nordic walking sign.
  • When: 10 AM; August 12
  • Where: Annette N. Shelby Park (1614 15th Street, Tuscaloosa)
  • Dress for the weather; bring some water.

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor

Why Nordic walking?
  • Full body, low impact
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Facilitate rehabilitation
  • Maintain stability and balance
  • Maintain posture
  • Facilitate stress relief
  • Support muscle toning
  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Support immune system
  • Socialize with walking companions
  • You determine the intensity of your workout

Learn more about Nordic walking at my Nordic Walking Guy blog and Nordic Walking Guy Facebook page.