Calling and
Via Business
Insider, intuition
can be a help in making decisions quickly. How can you develop your
intuition? One way to do it is to have a strong sense of calling. Let's talk about calling first.
In Conversations About Calling (hardcover, paperback,
Kindle), Valerie Myers defined calling as
a "transcendent and generative ethical system that seeks to produce 'good
work' - ethical and increasingly excellent results." In other works, your
calling drives you to accomplish great and noble things. That means calling
integrates the different dimensions of your life under a common theme.
Calling as a system
that produces good work means you have framework for decision-making. The
system part means you have a worldview that helps you make sense of what you
experience and what the world should look like when you produce that good work.
When you have a framework, decision-making becomes more intuitive because you
already have some boundaries and criteria that have become an automatic part of