Christine Caine, the speaker, author, and activist out of Australia’s Hillsong Church, announced last week that she will begin a training program featuring inspirational videos, industry-specific articles, mentorship pipelines, and urban events to encourage Christian women leaders in the marketplace.
Propel will mark its official launch in January at Liberty University in Virginia
Some key statements from the article:
- "...a training program featuring inspirational videos, industry-specific articles, mentorship pipelines, and urban events to encourage Christian women leaders in the marketplace."
- “Christian women are on the frontlines with no one supporting them,” she said in an interview with CT. “We’ve got a church that’s already in the world. What are we going to do about it?”
- "A majority of women of faith work outside the home, forcing them to grapple with the now much-talked-about challenges of balancing work and family, duty and calling."
- "...ministries like Propel reflect two bigger trends: a move toward practical help for women leaders and a renewed interest in God’s work done through secular vocations."
- "We were created to work and to enjoy doing it with our always-working God. It's just that sin made it hard and, at times, unfruitful," said McCulley, a filmmaker and small business owner. "But in the new heavens and new earth, the joy of creativity and productivity will be fully restored. And that's what we're aiming for even now, for both men and women."
Faith in the workplace is on the verge of becoming the next Promise Keepers kind of phenomenon.