Every time I look at the latest 3D printing developments I end up asking more questions about how it’s all possible.
That’s what makes the sector so exciting. That’s what makes it so revolutionary and innovative.
The truth is that no one on Earth fully understands the potential for 3D printing. No one knows the theoretical or actual limitations for this game-changing technology either.
And yet, that didn’t stop me putting together a vision of what things could be like if the 3D printing industry goes in the direction I expect.
Click the link to see more: 3D Printing Technology Could Bring Down Bunnings in 2014 - | CountingPips Forex News & Market AnalysisPoints:
- “3D printing has the potential to destroy China’s position as a global manufacturing powerhouse.”
- “3D printing poses a threat to the ‘big box’ retailers too, such as Walmart and Bunnings.”
Ponder: A utopian take on technological progress. Of course, one person’s utopia might create another person’s dystopia.