Based on his missions experience, Aubry thinks many NGOs and missionaries are doing more harm than good. He believes what Haiti really needs are more Christian entrepreneurs and investors to fund the advancement of the kingdom while at the same time sharing the message of Christ.
Aubry strongly believes that topics on business and economics should be a part of every Christian missionary’s study as they prepare for the mission field.
Click the link to see more: A Missionary with A Mind for Economics | Institute for Faith, Work & Economics BlogPoints:
- “If missionaries can get a strong understanding of the intended and unintended consequences of choices made before making them, long-term solutions can be found, not simply short-term fixes.”
- “What I heard from the students almost every day in class was that they no longer wanted aid. They want jobs.”
- “They simply need partners who are willing to come alongside them and provide them support.”
- “The issue is not that there are areas of the world that are “overloaded” with missionaries; the real issue is that there are too many missionaries (both Christian and NGO missionaries) that are so focused on their own agenda that they fail to see the likely unintended long-term consequences of their actions.”