Via Boing Boing and Guardian:
This is Camover, a new game being played across Berlin, which sees participants trashing cameras in protest against the rise in close-circuit television across Germany.
The game is real-life Grand Theft Auto for those tired of being watched by the authorities in Berlin; points are awarded for the number of cameras destroyed and bonus scores are given for particularly imaginative modes of destruction. Axes, ropes and pitchforks are all encouraged.
Game to destroy CCTV cameras: vandalism or valid protest? | World news | The Guardian
- “The use of surveillance cameras has become a thorny political issue in Germany.”
- “Camover's direct-action approach revolves around a small but committed group who call themselves ‘workless people – we are shoplifters, graffiti sprayers, homeless and squatters.’ They claim to have snuffed out as many as 50 cameras since the game began a few weeks ago.”
- “Although we call it a game, we are quite serious about it: our aim is to destroy as many cameras as possible and to have an influence on video surveillance in our cities."