Via Business Insider and Satyan Devadoss:
The left side of the circle is broken into 15 parts, each representing a grouping of all majors available at Williams. For example, "Cultural Studies" includes such majors as Anthropology, Sociology, and Asian Studies. The right side of the circle is similarly broken into 15 parts, each representing a grouping of possible careers chosen by Williams alums. Each of the 15600 alums has an arc going from the left side of the circle to the right. Those with double-majors have two arcs on the left (one from each of their majors, each arc of 1/2 thickness) that combine into one resulting career choice. Scrolling over (or clicking) the individual images on the right will highlight that particular major compilation.
Click through to play with a fascinating infographic that shows college majors and the jobs they ended up taking after graduation.