Interview with Daniel Kahneman on the Pitfalls of Intuition and Memory

Via Spiegel:

Psychologists distinguish between a "System 1" and a "System 2," which control our actions. System 1 represents what we may call intuition. It tirelessly provides us with quick impressions, intentions and feelings. System 2, on the other hand, represents reason, self-control and intelligence.

Interview with Daniel Kahneman on the Pitfalls of Intuition and Memory - SPIEGEL ONLINE


  • System 1:
    • “System 1 is acting on its own, without your being aware of it.”
    • “…decides whether you like a person, which thoughts or associations come to mind, and what you feel about something. All of this happens automatically. You can't help it, and yet you often base your decisions on it.”
    • “…can never be switched off. You can't stop it from doing its thing.”
  • System 2:
    • “…believes that it's making the decisions.”
    • “…is lazy and only becomes active when necessary. Slow, deliberate thinking is hard work. It consumes chemical resources in the brain, and people usually don't like that. It's accompanied by physical arousal, increasing heart rate and blood pressure, activated sweat glands and dilated pupils.”


  • Click through the link to read the rest of the interview. What are experts good for?
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