A nice overlay video showing the difference in Montana Fouts's pitches.
Montana Fouts, Drop Ball & Rise Ball, Overlay. pic.twitter.com/ajEBjgucIQ
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) June 5, 2021
A nice overlay video showing the difference in Montana Fouts's pitches.
Montana Fouts, Drop Ball & Rise Ball, Overlay. pic.twitter.com/ajEBjgucIQ
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) June 5, 2021
A good tip about the link between plot and character.
✍️ #screenwriting tip of the day:
— Arc Studio (@arcstudioproapp) May 25, 2021
Question everything when developing your screenplay. Keep asking why something happens and you'll find the answer always lies within your main character.
Here is something from Astronaut Shane Kimbrough.
Turin, Italy – a city with rich history and culture in northern Italy is easy to spot from @Space_Station. Buona Notte Italia! pic.twitter.com/omftGKHoOZ
— Shane Kimbrough (@astro_kimbrough) June 1, 2021