Whither the Christian church?

Via Christianity Today, trends affecting the Christian church in the United States:

  1. The Hemorrhaging of Mainline Protestantism
  2. Continued Growth of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movement
  3. Networks will Explode in Number and Influence

From the comments: “…a 4th Trend for the next decade. The Seven Sisters have been interacting more an more with extended family.”

The kids are OK

Via The Week, children matter because of Christianity.

  • “Today, it is simply taken for granted that the innocence and vulnerability of children makes them beings of particular value, and entitled to particular care. We also romanticize children — their beauty, their joy, their liveliness. Our culture encourages us to let ourselves fall prey to our gooey feelings whenever we look at baby pictures. What could be more natural? In fact, this view of children is a historical oddity.”
  • “…in ancient Greece and Rome, children were considered nonpersons.”

Some would argue we’re returning to the ancient ways (if we’re not already there).

Layaway, higher ed style

Harbinger of the future or late to the party?

  • “Arizona State University is partnering with MOOC provider edX on a freshman year program that doesn’t require any application or upfront costs. Students only pay— $200 per credit—once they pass the courses. They’ll also receive full university credit.”
  • “…the ASU program buys into the existing higher ed cartel structure: students are paying more for the university’s brand recognition and stamp of approval than for the actual information learned.”

So what if they leave?

It looks like this employer doesn’t fret about employees leaving after acquiring new skills: “Since 2012, Amazon has offered a program called “Career Choice,” where the company pays 95% of tuition for its fulfillment and customer service center employees to take courses in non-work related fields, such as airplane mechanics, nursing, and medical lab technologies.” Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-career-choice-program-paid-for-2000-employees-2015-4#ixzz3YHuqmrv0

It looks like Jeff Bezos thinks the benefit is greater than the loss.

As they say, demography is destiny

Via Business Insider: “The number of people in the normal "working age" category (usually 15-64 years old) will go negative in 2016.”
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/china-and-the-asian-tigers-are-going-to-see-a-massive-economic-roadblock-next-year--and-theres-no-solution-2015-4#ixzz3Y7koSl3q

A major factor in the rise of robots to augment the shrinking workforce.

The First Principles Method

Via 99u, some thoughts from Elon Muisk on drilling down for ideas, :
…boil things down to the most fundamental truths…and then reason up from there.
Click the link to see more: How Elon Musk Thinks: The First Principles Method - 99U

It starts at 22:38 of the video.

Pursuing God

Via Christian Post:
Deepening our relationship with God—through discovering His character and His will for our lives—is achieved in several ways. Each one, while familiar, represents an important discipline in pursuing the Lord.
Click the link to see more: Pursuing God
  • Meditation.
  • Prayer.
  • Find God in your circumstances, and serve others in theirs.

The last sentence in the linked article is the best.