A nice overlay video showing the difference in Montana Fouts's pitches.
Montana Fouts, Drop Ball & Rise Ball, Overlay. pic.twitter.com/ajEBjgucIQ
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) June 5, 2021
A nice overlay video showing the difference in Montana Fouts's pitches.
Montana Fouts, Drop Ball & Rise Ball, Overlay. pic.twitter.com/ajEBjgucIQ
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) June 5, 2021
A good tip about the link between plot and character.
✍️ #screenwriting tip of the day:
— Arc Studio (@arcstudioproapp) May 25, 2021
Question everything when developing your screenplay. Keep asking why something happens and you'll find the answer always lies within your main character.
Here is something from Astronaut Shane Kimbrough.
Turin, Italy – a city with rich history and culture in northern Italy is easy to spot from @Space_Station. Buona Notte Italia! pic.twitter.com/omftGKHoOZ
— Shane Kimbrough (@astro_kimbrough) June 1, 2021
Instead everyone is writing about it.
Main point: Information overload because "The waves of discipleship materials that have swept over the church in the past sixty years have in many cases caused people to be more confused than ever when they think of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ."
More about it:
An article recorded some musings from a well known physicist. It looks like he's promoting a new book, so he's getting some coverage.
Main point: "His latest book, The God Equation, is a clear and accessible examination of the quest to combine Einstein’s general relativity with quantum theory to create an all-encompassing 'theory of everything' about the nature of the universe."
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A prediction from Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future by Martin Ford about using robots in the restaurant industry: "Once one of the industry’s major players begins to gain significant advantages from increased automation, the others will have little choice but to follow suit.
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Has it aged well? A fairly recent article indicates the automation of restaurants is proceeding as predicted.
The CS Lewis Institute published a sermon by Charles Spurgeon about getting the most out of reading one's Bible. It's directed to Christian ministers but can apply to any Christian.
Main point: "They [Christian ministers] must read much if they are to be profitable to others as preachers."
More about it:
Takeaway: Others can reveal truth: "...if He pleases to reveal a truth of God to another man, and I will not read that truth as it has been recorded by that other man, I have neglected the teaching of the Spirit of God."