3 words to live by: Read, read, read

  • "Mattis was known to have had a personal library of over 7,000 books, and prompted the study of history for his troops through required reading lists of various history books for his officers before battle."
  • "He noted that his reading, 'doesn’t give me all the answers, but it lights what is often a dark path ahead.'"
  • "Mattis reportedly never owned a television set."

I've experienced some things in reading that may have helped deepen his intellect:
  • Books require you to follow an argument in close detail. A book's length allows it's author to dig into great detail and requires close and sustained attention from readers.
  • Novels allow authors to develop characters over time, requiring readers to navigate subtlety.
  • In this fast media age, books require us to give them time. We won't resolve things in the 30 minutes of a sitcom or the 2 hours of a movie. Instead, we have to display patience as we digest the book.

I have to think that reading discipline gave him an intellectual depth that helped him find his way through dilemmas. We often find ourselves on the horns of dilemmas, confronted by 2 alternatives neither of which lead to favorable outcomes. A deep intellect can help us find a 3rd way. Being able to find ways through dilemmas leads to a good reputation. Some points from the article:
  • "Beyond the bravado, and tough wartime rhetoric, Mattis was known to be an intellectual among the military’s upper ranks, a thoughtful and well-read commander, emphasizing (perhaps in a monkish way) the study of both history and philosophy."
  • "Mattis emphasized that his Marines always take a reasoned approach to the battlefield"
  • "Mattis’ ethics ensure that he has always told politicians and higher-ups his honest views on often thorny political or military issues."
If you build it, will they come?

The National Wood Flooring Association launched an online university to prepare people for certifications in wood flooring. Why did they do that? Apparently, not enough young people are taking up the trades. I don't think that means an industry is dying. It may mean perceptions of the industry by potential skilled workers need to be updated.

Demand and supply factors in the shortage of skilled labor.
  • Demand: Workforce in the trades is aging out.
  • Supply: Young people still want to go to college instead of take up a trade.

The trades are concerned their careers aren't as flashy as others. NWFA University offers digital badges as credentials in response.

Flashiness isn't the cure-all, however. Saying college isn't necessary isn't the solution either. There are benefits from going to college that tradespeople can gain. Rather, there needs to be a way to help people find a balance. What incentives are there, for example, to encourage working tradespeople to take college courses on the side? A degree can be had without going into debt while fixing the labor shortages in the trades.
Hallelujah Chorus etiquette: Stand or sit?

It's that time of year to go to a Messiah concert, and you'll have to make a decision about the Hallelujah chorus: stand or stay seated?

  • The most popular story is that "King George II, attending the London premiere of 'Messiah' in March of 1743, was so moved by the 'Hallelujah’' that he stood up - and if the king stands, everybody stands." The more cynical theorized the king had to go to the bathroom and was waiting for intermission, ready to sprint.
  • People stood for other numbers as well, so the Hallelujah Chorus tradition remains from something that was more common.
  • The sacred nature of the words moved some people to stand on reflex. They may have felt like they were in church listening to hymns.

Here's what some people advise:

There are a couple of solutions:

So what to do if there's no guidance in the program or from the stage? It may be a situational thing.
  • I attended one that was performed in a light way, the choir members dressed in Christmas costumes and flashing signs with the words. The Hallelujah Chorus was merely one selection among other Christmas music, sacred and secular. Not many people stood for that one.
  • Another performance was a more traditional performance of Messiah. Everyone stood for that one.

Either way, the advice to include consideration of other people's enjoyment of the performance is always in season.